
Specialties General Trading & Contracting Est. was founded in 1996, under C.R No 70616.  We are certified Kirby Builder and also certified contractor for the U.S. Army.

Specialties is among the most efficient steel builders in the world. We encompass all aspects of modern steelmaking, combining both integrated and mini-mill facilities and producing much of the iron ore and coking coal used in our furnaces. We are also among the most advanced steel makers, operating a range of modern technologies.


Our Philosophy

Specialties  growth is founded on a form philosophy; that is to be able to deliver with range of quality product, customers, demand from modern steel makers with scale and adaptability to do so competitively.

Today, Specialties is the only true local steel builders. Our global reach brings many benefits. Operations support one another by generating product synergies and sharing know-how. All benefit from the improved purchasing power that scale offers.

A comprehensive portfolio of flat and long products through our partners, Kirby building system-Kuwait allows Specialties to deliver whatever our customers require – and wherever they require it. Sharing Knowledge has been at the heart of Specialties management approach since we made our first acquisition in 1996. The Knowledge Sharing Program is designed to speed the flow of best practice and technique around the Company. The program has been a major contributor to our extraordinary success in turning around acquisitions.

Specialties is helping shape the future of steel. But our goal is to be more than just successful. It is to be admired for our culture and for the quality, service and management standards that implies, nothing less will do.


Our Speciality

Our specialties are steel pre-engineered buildings which use a pre-determined inventory of raw materials that has proven over time to satisfy a wide range of structural and aesthetic design requirements. This flexibility allows PEBs to fulfill an almost unlimited range of building configurations, custom design. requirements and applications.

If you have just started work on a new building project or if you are working on the initial phase of building project. We are able in willing to assist you in finding ways that will make you benefit from pre-engineered building systems. Economically and aesthetically without scarifying the integrity of your conceptual design.


Our Task

At Specialties - Kirby we aim not only to obtain your current business but to make you a lifetime partner of ours.

We make sure that your business interests are perceived by our people, at all levels, to be as important to us as they are to you.

We invite you to work with us.